Export Production

Exporting a production out of WarRoom involves two steps; creating the production set, and actually running the export. In the first step you are selecting the options for your production and saving them. The second step follows the instructions and writes your metadata, images, natives and text to the hard drive.

To begin, choose the source of documents for your production. You can choose either a saved search or a folder.

Next, choose the production image format. Images can be produced as single page Tiff / Jpeg files (preferable if you are producing to another party that uses a document review platform like Relativity, Concordance, or WarRoom), multi-page PDF files, or you can choose to export load files only (no images).

You can choose to include the field names as the first row of data in your .DAT metadata load file (recommended).

Next, choose whether or not to include natives and text files. You can either include all natives and text files, include all except when the associated images contain redactions (recommended so that you do not produce privileged material), or you can choose not to include any natives or text.

In the center of the screen, you can choose which fields to include in your export. Simply check a field to include it, or uncheck it to leave it out of your production’s .DAT metadata load file.

Enter a Volume name. This will identify the image volume in your production.

Next you can decide what bates numbering designations you want on the produced version of the documents.

Finally, choose whether or not to burn in the new bates number on your images (recommended) and whether or not to burn in redactions (always recommended when producing to opposing counsel).

When you have finished entering all of the options for your production, click the “Create new Production Set” button to save your production.

Now you can optionally export out the production set. To do this, switch the view tab at the top of the screen to “Export Production”.

Before running the export, you must select it from the list and choose the delimiter options for your .DAT metadata load file (using the standard set of delimiters is recommended). You also have the option of converting all file paths in your export to PC format (which replaces forward slashes with backslashes). This is recommended if you are sending the production to a PC user.

Finally, when you are ready to export, click the Export Production button and select a location to save your production data. The export process can take a long time depending on the volume of data you are exporting, so please be patient.